Master of Education in Instruction & 学习(M.Ed. I&L)





少至15人 个月


Regionally Accredited by SACSCOC

Fasttrack to Educational Leadership Positions — Master of Education Instruction and Learning 

教育与学习硕士学位可以促进你的教育事业,提高你的收入潜力. 在CIU,我们提供全面的课程,为您提供在当今瞬息万变的教育环境中取得成功所需的技能和知识. CIU’s program is designed to be completed in just 15 个月, allowing you to earn your degree quickly and get started on your career goals. 在此过程中,您将得到经验丰富的教师的支持,他们在教育领域服务多年,有丰富的知识可供分享. Our faculty are committed to helping you grow and develop in your career, and they will work closely with you to ensure that you have the resources and support you need to excel. 澳门新葡京网站的教育硕士课程可以让你的职业生涯更上一层楼. 

Why Choose Columbia International University

澳门新葡京网站是寻求教育与学习硕士学位的学生的绝佳选择. 我们的课程获得了南方学院和学校协会学院委员会(SACSCOC)的地区认证。, 保证您接受到全国各地雇主认可和尊重的高质量教育. CIU’s online classes are accessible anytime, 24/7, 为您提供所需的灵活性,以平衡您的学习与个人和职业责任. 另外, we offer financial aid to qualified applicants, making our program affordable and accessible to students from all backgrounds. Our online classes are taught by innovative faculty members with doctoral degrees, so that you receive the highest level of instruction and mentorship. Our faculty are experts in their fields, and they are committed to helping you thrive in your studies and achieve your career goals. 整体, the Master of Education in Instruction and Learning at CIU provides students with the knowledge, skills and credentials needed to make a meaningful impact in the field of education. Whether you’re a seasoned educator looking to advance your career or seeking to enter the field, our program is designed to help you achieve your goals and make a positive difference. 

整体 Benefits of the Degree

教育与学习硕士学位为教育工作者和那些寻求进入该领域的人提供了广泛的好处和机会. You will gain a deeper understanding and extensive knowledge of educational practices, as well as evaluation and assessment, 管理员工和资源——所有这些都能提高效率,提高盈利潜力. 教育与学习硕士学位可以帮助您了解教育领域的最新趋势和发展. For those seeking to transition into a career in education or related fields, 该学位可以为教育理论和实践提供坚实的基础,并帮助您培养有价值的领导技能, communication and critical thinking. This can lead to opportunities in training and development, nonprofit organizations and educational policy. 最终, a Master of Education in Instruction and Learning can provide you with the knowledge, 在教育领域产生有意义的影响并实现您的职业目标所需的技能和证书. 


  • EDU 7300 Foundations for 课程

    本课程将使教师和管理人员能够从圣经的世界观发展课程和使用教学设计. Students will learn to integrate faith and learning by designing integrated instruction, write standards and objectives, and teach critical thinking from a biblical worldview. Products from the course will include a comprehensive list of standards for education, a list of critical thinking skills, and a knowledge of models for biblical or character integration for use in integrated lessons.

  • EDU 5430 Authentic Assessment


  • EDU 6110 课程 Development and Instruction

    This course is designed to assist students in developing and analyzing curriculum. 哲学, 理论, and strategies will be examined in planning and developing long- and short-range units. Principles of knowledge, aesthetics, and values are considered in light of teaching and learning.

  • EDU 6490 Educational Research

    This course is designed to enable students to conduct and evaluate educational research. The instruction will emphasize the major principles, 方法, and procedures of research as employed by students of education. Special emphasis is given to researching educational and administrative effectiveness in the school.

  • EDU 6425 Supervision of Instruction

    本课程将帮助监管人员提高有效实施监管和评估原则的能力. This improvement will be influenced from a biblical worldview, a knowledge of related educational theory, and an opportunity to apply these principles and knowledge to specific supervisory problems and practices.

  • EDU 6610 Differentiated Instruction

    This course addresses the concept of differentiation, 哪个是开发课程以满足课堂上不同能力学生的过程. Class participants will examine, 修改, 并从圣经的世界观评估教学,以解决准备水平,有效地评估学生,以提高学习.

  • EDU 6620 Designing Instruction for Understanding

    本课程的目的是指导教师和管理人员在实践中使用目标和/或标准来制定教学. Students will be taught to examine learning concepts, to develop enduring understandings, and then to assess these understandings. Instruction and classroom activities then will be designed from the assessments. Biblical integration will be woven within the design process.

  • EDU 7410 Instructional Models and Strategies

    本课程将探讨促进学生课堂学习的各种模式和策略. Students will examine the strengths and weaknesses of the various strategies, and then develop samples and assessments for effective classroom use.

For a comprehensive list of courses related to this program visit the 学术目录.


In addition to satisfying the general admission requirements of the university, students applying to the M.Ed. must meet the following requirements:

1. Evidence of ability to successfully pursue an academic program, as demonstrated by one of the following:

  • 最少2个.7 GPA for most recent degree obtained.

2. Previous experience in education*, as verified by one of the following:

  • Two years of classroom experience.
  • A current teaching certificate.
  • An undergraduate degree in education.

*根据具体的课程作业和领导建议,可以接受数量有限的没有这些经历的学生. While expertise in all disciplines is not expected, 学生必须通过完成至少36个学期的本科课程,包括以下至少四个内容领域的课程,证明在内容领域的合理能力(“C”或以上):语言艺术, 社会科学, 自然科学, 数学, 技术, 或者人文/美术.

认证 and Accolades

SACSCOC (The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges)

Career Path Opportunities

  • Accountability Assessment Research & 评价 
  • Executive Director of Instruction 
  • Assistant Principal of Instruction 
  • District Level Positions 
  • 课程开发人员 
  • Instructional Coordinator 
  • 教育管理人员 
  • 教育顾问 
  • 企业培训师 
  • 阅读指导 
  • 政策分析 
  • 研究员 


What opportunities are afforded to me upon completing this program?

Upon completing the Master of Education program at Columbia International University, you will have gained the skills and knowledge needed to pursue many different career paths. A few of these are accountability assessment research & 评估专业, executive director of instruction, assistant principal of instruction, curriculum developer and many more. 这个学位为提高收入潜力和许多涉及教育教学和学习监督和管理的职业机会开辟了道路.


澳门新葡京网站的教育硕士课程设计在15个月内完成. This accelerated timeline allows you to earn your degree quickly and get started on your career goals.

Can I do this program as a part-time student as well as a full-time student?

是的, 澳门新葡京网站的教育学硕士课程设计灵活,能够适应非全日制和全日制学生的需求. You can choose to take classes at a pace that works for you, whether that means completing the program in 15 个月 or taking longer to finish.

How long are the classes in the program?

All classes in the Master of Education program are delivered online and are offered in six-week terms. 每学期, you will take one course at a time, allowing you to focus your attention and complete each course thoroughly.

Are books included in the tuition?

是的, 澳门新葡京网站教学与学习教育硕士的学费中包含书籍. You will not have to worry about purchasing textbooks or other materials separately, as they will be provided as part of your tuition. You can expect to receive the required books and materials for each course at the start of the term, so you can begin studying right away.

Is financial aid available?

是的, 澳门新葡京网站教育与学习硕士课程的合格申请人可以获得经济资助. Check the 金融援助 page for more information on the application process and available resources.

Does the program offer mentors for those who need it?

是的, 澳门新葡京网站的教育硕士课程为需要额外支持和指导的学生提供指导计划. 您将被分配一名导师,他将在整个项目中与您一起工作,帮助您取得成功并实现您的目标.

Is it necessary to have an undergraduate degree in education to apply for this program?

No, 申请澳门新葡京网站的教学与学习教育硕士学位并不一定要有教育学本科学位. 然而, 申请人必须拥有认可机构的学士学位,并符合其他入学要求.


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