Master of Arts in Bible Exposition





少至18人 个月


Nationally Accredited by ATS

Prepare for a lifetime of communicating Scripture effectively!

文学硕士圣经解释训练你所需的技能来理解, apply and communicate the Scriptures effectively. The program is centered on Scripture, 将圣经解释与属灵培育和事工技巧结合起来. 我们精心设计的课程将训练你成为事工领袖和教导圣经的人. You will be equipped to think biblically, interpret the Bible faithfully, 在这个瞬息万变的世界里,以你的能力教导圣经.

Why Choose Columbia Biblical 神学院

你们在哥大圣经神学院的教育将是彻底的福音派教育, taught by professors from a wide array of evangelical denominations. 我们坚决坚持正统,并致力于我们信仰的基本教义. 同时, 我们重视福音派传统的多样性,并帮助您理解为什么不同的基督教传统相信他们在我们信仰的次要问题上所做的事情.此外, 我们强调圣经知识与事工技能的整合, enabling you to teach and disciple the whole person. 我们的教师是熟练的教师和学者谁是积极从事教会事工, 任务与出版. They will invest in you as a student, 训练你,在你的事工旅程中与你同行.

What you can do with the degree

我们的圣经解释硕士课程为您提供忠实传达圣经所需的技能, 将圣经的解释和沟通与属灵的培育和事工技巧结合起来. 我们认识到,仅仅认识神和圣经是不够的. 我们希望你在你的事工中,藉著完全整合头来体现基督和圣经, 心与手.

出于这个原因, 你将学习如何在不同的事工环境中教导和应用圣经. Coursework in preaching and teaching, in addition to guided practice in your internship and the possibility of taking courses in either Hebrew or Greek, 会让你有能力和信心在各种不同的环境中传达圣经:例如, 教堂服务, 小群体, Bible studies and Bible classes at private Christian schools.




  • 完成应用程序
  • affirmation that you are a Christian and agree with CIU’s 信仰声明
  • official transcript(s) for completed bachelor’s degree(s) * +
  • official transcript(s) for any graduate-level coursework +
  • essay (approximately 800 words)
  • 教会领袖推荐信
  • * If you have not completed an undergraduate bachelor’s degree, 你仍然可以根据CIU申请入学 Non-Baccalaureate政策.
  • + If you have attended a school outside of the United States, you must have your transcripts validated through 世界教育服务.

International applicants also need:

认证 and Accolades

ATS (The Association of Theological Schools)
ABHE (The Association for Biblical Higher Education)

Career Path Opportunities

  • 牧师
  • 部门领导
  • 圣经的老师
  • Bible 课程 Author/Designer
  • 学术部门
  • 《澳门新葡京网址》翻译
  • 传教士
  • 教堂的种植园主


What are the student learning objectives for the MA Bible Exposition?

除了使命宣言和一般目标和哥伦比亚圣经神学院学位的要求, 圣经解说硕士学位的目标是使学生能够:

  • Practice sound exegesis and exposition of the biblical text.
  • Trace key themes in Scripture.
  • Demonstrate skill in communicating biblical truth.
What career opportunities are available with an MA Bible Exposition?
  • 牧师
  • 部门领导
  • 圣经的老师
  • Bible 课程 Author/Designer
  • 学术部门
  • 《澳门新葡京网址》翻译
  • 传教士
  • 教堂的种植园主
Can I take this program residentially, online or both?

圣经解说硕士课程既可在校内学习,也可在线学习. All its required courses are offered in both formats.

作为住宿学生, 你将受益于与教授和其他学生的密切互动, 建立可以支持你一生事工的人际关系. Classes are designed around block schedules, 如果你在工作或服事的同时还在上课,你的灵活性是什么. 如果住校学生愿意,他们可以选择在线学习课程.

作为一名在线学生, 您将受益于在有意学习社区的背景下促进学习的课程. 我们认识到,不是每个人都能背井离乡到神学院去. 出于这个原因, all our courses are asynchronous. 这允许你在学习课程的同时继续在你所在的地方工作和服务. 同时, 你将有机会与你的教授和同学进行定期的在线会议, 如果你愿意.

How long does this program take?

Residential courses follow a 16-week semester format, with two semesters per calendar year (Fall and Spring). Thus, residential students can complete this program in about 2.5年(全日制,每学期三门课程)或3年左右.5 years (part-time, taking two courses per semester).

在线 courses follow a 8-week term format, with six terms per calendar year (Spring 1, 春季2, 夏天1, 夏天2, 下降1, 2)下降. 在线 students can complete this program in about 1.5年(全日制,每学期在线修两门课程)或2年左右.5 years (part-time, taking one course per online term).

Hybrid students can complete this program in about 2 years.

When can I start this program?

住宿课程遵循16周的学期形式,每年有两次开始. 春季学期从一月开始,秋季学期从八月开始, with a break for summer in between semesters.

在线课程采用8周的学期形式,每年开课6次. Every eight weeks is a new start, meaning there are two online terms offered each spring, 夏天和秋天.

How much does this program cost?

每学分575美元,完成这个学位的总学费为24150美元. Opportunities for financial aid and for scholarships are available.

Do I get any Bible software as a student?

是的, you will get a professional-level copy of Accordance Bible Software, customized for your studies at Columbia Biblical 神学院, upon enrolling in your first course. You get to keep this upon graduation.

Will this degree prepare me for a PhD program?

是的,这个学位是迈向圣经或神学研究博士学位的良好基础. 这些领域的博士需要熟悉圣经语言和研究技能, 这两个都是圣经解说硕士的学生如果愿意的话可以学习的.


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